Thursday, March 8, 2018

Malala Yousafzai on Women’s Equality: “Invest in Girls” | International Women’s Day

David Letterman’s next guest is Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai.

In this excerpt from their interview, tied to International Women’s Day, Malala passionately discusses the importance of fighting against the ideologies that reject women’s equality and the need to invest in young women and their education.

From a Taliban attack to a Nobel Prize to Oxford, Malala walks Dave through her extraordinary journey, her life's mission to empower women and local leaders to continue to fight for women's education and her new home at the University of Oxford.

My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman streams Friday at 12:01AM PT, only on Netflix. 

Letterman: Let’s say you did not survive the attack. Who would take up the cause?
Malala Yousafzai: I would hope that many people would have stood up and stood up against extremists, against not just the extremists, not just the people, but against the ideology. Because that’s what we have to fight against, the ideology that exists there, that does not accept women as equal to men, that does not accept women to have the right to education, that does not accept women to have the right to do a job, to decide her own future. That is an ideology and we have to fight against that ideology, whether it exists in the mountains of Pakistan, whether it exists in the big cities, in New York or in Washington or anywhere, we have to challenge those. We have to fight against those ideologies. And how to fix it, I think the answer is easy. The governments need to invest more money into education, business people, everyone who is part of society, they need to start thinking about investing in girls and their education. We just need an ambition and an intention. What to do is then easy.

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