Friday, June 2, 2017

Once Upon a Time - VERY Early Info, Front Cover Art for 'The Complete 6th Season'

Once Upon a Time - VERY Early Info, Front Cover Art for 'The Complete 6th Season'

DVD and Blu-ray versions are in-the-works from ABC/Disney

Posted by David Lambert
The title hasn't been announced to press/media yet by ABC Studios or Walt Disney Home Entertainment, but several retailer contacts have informed us that the studio has begun soliciting a Late Summer/Early Fall 2017 release of Once Upon a Time - The Complete 6th Season on both DVD and high-def Blu-ray Disc.

A specific release date hasn't been finalized yet, but the list prices are expected to be $45.99 SRP for the DVD version, and $79.99 SRP for the Blu format set. No other details have been made available yet, but below is an early look at the front of the packaging for each version of the item (may not be finalized, and could be subject to change). Our thanks to reader Matt Cartelli for the initial heads-up about this!
Once Upon a Time - The Complete 6th Season
Once Upon a Time - The Complete 6th Season

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